In 3 days you will feel energetic, healthy, full and alive!
Pure Tantra


January 18 – 20, 2024
Live offline training in Bali

In 3 days you will feel energetic, healthy, full and alive!
Pure Tantra


January 18 – 20, 2024
Live offline training in Bali

Tantra training for men and women by Olga Vesna reveals physical awareness, emotional liveliness and meditative depth for everyday life. You will feel energetic, healthy, full and alive!
Tantra training for men and women by Olga Vesna reveals physical awareness, emotional liveliness and meditative depth for everyday life. You will feel energetic, healthy, full and alive!
From tightness to lightness.

What "fuel" do you build your processes and results on?

From tightness to lightness.

What "fuel" do you build your processes and results on?
This is an activity for you, if
You want to feel a lot more energy, joy. Forget about fatigue and apathy
Do you want to get rid of fears, resentment, guilt, all the old programs that destroy you
You want a new level of contact and intimacy filled with enchanting sensations.
You want to make contact with your body and learn to hear and understand it. Improve your sensuality
You want to feel the connection with the Source. Open up to the world, become confident and calm
You want to build a close relationship of trust. To be in the balance of male and female energy
Energy practices are the best tool to find a connection with yourself, your body and awaken energy
Energy practices are the best tool to find a connection with yourself, your body and awaken energy
You can come to a practical lesson alone, with a friend and with your partner
Venue Bali
January 18 – 20, 2024
During class we awaken our energy
We enter a state of joy through:
We enter a state of joy through:
Where our attention is, there is our energy and strength
Breathing allows you to move to the necessary emotional background
Movement activates energy, making it real, sparkling, ready to create.
We work through
Tantric Diamond Breath
Subtle touches
Expressing feelings
Paired practices
Skydancing tantra
Taoist techniques
Sufi techniques
Body-oriented psychology
After class
A huge amount of energy will be released and access to new sensations will open. All senses will become sharper. A real taste of life will appear
You will free your head and learn to feel with your whole body. Life will begin to bring more pleasure and joy
You will free your head and learn to feel with your whole body. Life will begin to bring more pleasure and joy
Your relationship with your partner will become more open and easier. And if you are looking, it will help you attract "your" person
18 – 20 January 2024
THURSDAY. January 18
THURSDAY. January 18
10:00 – 13:00
10:00 – 13:00
1. Getting to know yourself as a man/woman. LET GO
Getting to know your masculine/feminine energy. Cleansing from old outdated views, traumas, patterns and habits in relationships with oneself and others through bodily practices.

Practices for bodily awareness and release of muscle corset.
13:00 – 15:00
13:00 – 15:00
15:00 – 18:00
15:00 – 18:00
2. Free flight of feelings and true intimacy. FEEL
Let's perform practices that open feelings - free the heart from heaviness and resentment. Let's learn tantric breathing, control attention to ourselves and others - we'll learn to listen to our partner, understand him without words.

18:00 – 19:30
18:00 – 19:30
3. Tantric massage practices
Let's dedicate the evening to body love. These practices relax, heal, fill. There will be no sex or intimacy here, this is about the interaction of soul with soul - a deep, sensual experience, the ability to love and express your love and tenderness through touch.
FRIDAY. January 19
FRIDAY. January 19
8:00 – 9:00
8:00 – 9:00
Morning active practice
Tantric practice / meditation / tantra yoga
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 13:00
10:00 – 13:00
4. The source of pleasure is within. FEEL
Women's and men's circle.

This session is dedicated separately to male and female practices. Olga will spend this stage with women, exploring what a woman is with her intuition and colossal amount of energy. Where are the hidden sources of acceptance and pleasure in a woman, how to interact with them at the physiological level, how to open the path to orgasm. Awakening our wild, passionate woman.

In the men's circle you will learn how to Love and maintain male strength and health, the characteristics of male physiology and reveal male strength.

Let's perform practices that open feelings - free the heart from heaviness and resentment. Let's learn tantric breathing, control attention to ourselves and others - we'll learn to listen to our partner, understand him without words.
13:00 – 16:00
13:00 – 16:00
Break + walk with a task-game separately for men and women
16:00 – 19:00
16:00 – 19:00
5. Sacred meeting of Men and Women. LOVE
A meeting is magic, a meeting is sacrament, when everyone will free themselves and awaken in their true Masculine/Feminine nature.

This is a revival of male-female acceptance, giving, exchange, respect for the Feminine and Masculine nature. Women have masculine power, and men have feminine power.
Final practice

Final sharing and completion of the program.
SATURDAY. January 13 VIP day for 4 couples
SATURDAY. January 13 VIP day for 4 couples
07:30 – 8:00
07:30 – 8:00
Morning filling practice
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 13:00
10:00 – 13:00
Let's learn how to manage sexual energy and direct it to achieve success. You will receive secret practices for materializing your desires through energy.

13:00 – 14:00
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
14:00 – 16:00
Final practice
Your guide – Olga Vesna
Olga Vesna
Trainer, psychologist, master of tantra and Taoist practices
She trained in 5 world tantra schools. Practicing tantra since 2009.
Showed the path of love and enjoyment of life to more than 10  000 people
Great idea for a date
If you already have a couple, then during the lesson you will be able to discover new sides of each other, and the relationship will reach a new depth, sensuality and trust
Feedback after classes
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Book your place
The address of the event will be sent along with confirmation of participation.