Let go. Feel. Love.

Start feeling your life brightly and boldly!


January 11-13 Bali

Two days of true immersion into oneself through Olga Vesna's original method "Tantra at your fingertips"

Tantra training for women in Bali
Two days of true immersion into oneself through Olga Vesna's original method "Tantra at your fingertips"

Tantra training for women in Bali
A woman who practices tantra is different

A woman who practices tantra is different

She does not allow herself to be squeezed into ready-made and invented templates of femininity, does not strive to meet other people's expectations. She relies on her own truth, her desires and dreams. This is her strength!

Her inner voice and receptivity act as a guide on her path.
This training is for you if
Tired of being a strong woman and proving something to others, experiencing constant tension and stress

You experience insecurity and shame when having sex, and you never or rarely experience orgasm

You can't build a close relationship with a man, you're looking for love and you can't find it

You don’t feel your own value and uniqueness, you are self-critical and don’t know how to support yourself

Do you want to reveal your inner potential and find energy for a business or creative project?

There are deep psychological traumas, facts of violence in the past, unforgiven grievances, fear of intimacy

A woman who has truly awakened herself is able to transform instinctive sexual energy into something sacred, something that truly opens the heart.

A woman who has truly awakened herself is able to transform instinctive sexual energy into something sacred, something that truly opens the heart.

Start transforming your life with yourself!

We will go through all three stages of my author's method: Let go. Feel. Love
Discovering sensuality is when your life will be covered with goosebumps
You will begin to feel brightly and boldly. In sex and life in general.

You will begin to feel brightly and boldly. In sex and life in general.

Let go

We will let go of everything that is no longer in harmony with you. Everything that makes you feel anxious, resentful, guilty, pretentious. We will let go of everything that hinders your progress.

Let go
We will let go of everything that is no longer in harmony with you. Everything that makes you feel anxious, resentful, guilty, pretentious. We will let go of everything that hinders your progress.

Let go
We will let go of everything that is no longer in harmony with you. Everything that makes you feel anxious, resentful, guilty, pretentious. We will let go of everything that hinders your progress.

We will open our hearts. We will begin to look at ourselves and each other through love. We will find meaning, strength, support and beauty in ourselves! After this journey to yourself, you will gain a completely new level of contact with yourself and your body.

11-13 January 2024

January 11

January 11
«Let go»
"Tantra at your fingertips" is Olga Vesna's original method. We will learn to quickly dive into ourselves, find contact with the body.

Block of active dynamic meditations "Autopsy". We cleanse the mind and body from "husk". From emotional, mental, physical heaviness, tension.
Lunch break
The Kilauea Energy Practice System
Energy practices for working with shame and guilt. Letting go through the energy in the stomach, through the heat in the hips. The stomach and pelvis will feel lighter.

January 12

January 12
Mix of practices to connect with the power of YOUR FEMALE ESSENCE and your feminine gender
Tantric pulsations
Tantric breathing
Tantric ritual "RED TENT"
We will gain confidence and acceptance instead of the detachment of emptiness, where there is no energy
Lunch break
We will get light stimulation of the chest and abdomen
We will harmonize the three main energy centers, and also carry out prevention of women's diseases
We will learn to live in light stimulation and enjoy it!
Complex of practices "Breathing with the belly"
The belly is the control panel of female energy, and we will learn to control it
We will awaken your sacred sexuality.
We will learn "diamond female breathing with the belly"

January 13

January 13
Tantric female practices.

Ritual "Temple of the Awakened Woman".
Lunch break
Complex of practices "Breathing with the belly"
The belly is the control panel of female energy, and we will learn to control it.
We will awaken your sacred sexuality. We will learn "diamond female breathing with the belly.
Lunch break
Tantric female practices.

Sacred female circle.

We will create a special space using the field of the group and the field of the master. We will decorate it with candles, fruits and rose petals. In it, we will remember what a WOMAN is, what LOVE is.

We will finish our incredible journey to ourselves with the author's meditation "Bless the Woman".
What will you get?

Tantra allows you to let go of all masks and just be yourself. Stop following certain rules regarding femininity and relationships. Great acceptance and trust in yourself and your partner is born.
You will exude sexuality, femininity, openness and energy - this will connect you with your inner strength and intuition. You will know exactly what kind of relationship you need and what kind of man you don't - this is MAGNETISM.
A huge amount of energy is released and access to new sensations opens up: all senses become more acute, and a real taste for life appears.
If the attraction and playfulness between you and your partner have disappeared, and sex has become an obligation, tantra will add freshness and new colors. You will awaken interest and a desire to explore yourself and your partner from a new side.
Your Guide – Olga Vesna
Olga Vesna
Trainer, psychologist, master of tantra and Taoist practices
She has studied in 5 world schools of tantra. She has been practicing tantra since 2009.
She has shown the path of love and enjoyment of life to more than 10,000 people.
She has completed a long training in tantric and Taoist practices and the art of meditation (more than 60): at the school of A. Vladimirova, with Mantak Chia, M. Lyakhovitsky, Prem Sambavo, at Osho Leela Love Mystery School (India), at the Wild Tantra Kaula heart of all school and its founder Gitama, with Prem Komala
Studied neo-Reichian pulsations with the founder of the school, Anisha Dillon
Studied body therapy and bioenergetics at the Scuola Osho Divine Healing Arts (Italy)
I practiced and studied tantra at the Tantraskydancing school in France with Margot Anand
Practiced and studied the art of meditation at Osho International Meditation Resort (Pune, India)
Studied therapy using the Imago therapy method (Imago International Institute, New York)
Temple dance Mandala, Moscow - Türkiye, completed the course of training in therapeutic practice "Mandala"
Completed training in the BodyMind Gestalt method in working with mental trauma with Arie Burstein
What is Tantra?
The word "tantra" has become quite fashionable lately. When it is pronounced, people who are not familiar with this practice have associations of a mainly erotic nature: multi-hour sex marathons, group orgies and "polyamory", something terrible, forbidden, but at the same time very attractive.

But all these associations have nothing to do with true tantra. Yes, tantric practices work with sexual energy, they increase orgasm in women, but exclude sexual contact.

Tantra teaches the interaction of female and male energy and how to awaken and use this energy for spiritual growth. Because there is no stronger energy that is formed from the fusion of the male and female principles.

It is an instrument of clarity and conscious relationships with yourself, with loved ones, with a loved one, with the world, through the disclosure of the most powerful energy on earth - sexual.

Tantra is ancient knowledge about the energy of the highest order, which is passed from master to master. I received knowledge in the schools of different masters, followers of Osho. They all reflected different aspects of the teaching.
Olga Vesna's Authorial Method
My original method "Tantra at your fingertips"

When I start working with a person, I first look at what is really bothering them. I help to reveal this pain, like an abscess, through psychology and body therapy. And only then do I lead them into practices.

Because tantra is healing with love.

My tantra is called "Tantra at your fingertips" because I want people to start touching with energy, not with their bodies. To start feeling themselves more than just a body. After all, tantra is the touch of soul to soul.

According to the feedback from the participants of my trainings, I lead people into the sensual sphere of life. This is a path through the heart into the space of a relaxed and smooth flow of life, with a lighter attitude towards the world: without add-ons and excessive reactivity. This is a world of awareness, when you yourself control reality, and not vice versa.

My approach is:

  • Psychology and techniques from body-oriented therapy
  • Sometimes these are techniques at the intersection of practice and therapy - skydancing tantra, for example.
  • Breathing practices, including plasticity, dance, massage
  • Taoist techniques